So Israel is still forcing it's hand upon Gazans.
And still they are hungry, cold, without fuel or food or safety from us...
The International World is with Gaza...please be a part of the World and participate in the future freedom of your own children..
A 21 year old woman from Lebanon is recording, reporting, working aid for, speaking to politicians, tv stations, and trying to begin a revolution of Peace for the Middle East. (see what she does at the blog "Moments of Gaza" in my blog list.)
And we can sit by idly?
This young woman inspires me to want to do and be more to this World Community.
Please, write your President, your Senators, the U.N. See the links here and sign petitions, join groups in solidarity with Palestine, march, e-mail the Israeli Occupation Forces (who so kindly provided an e-mail address for Gazans to snitch on eachother) at and let them know what you think of their war of "self-defense".
I can't travel, but I can write letters and e-mails. I can sign petitions, I can march, I can!
Can You?
-The Dork
3 weeks ago
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