Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am pissed off. Sorry, but I have to tell it like it is.

I wrote my congressman, Harry Mitchell about his vote to allow Israel the oppprtunity to massacre innocents in the name of "fighting terrorism". Today I received a lame e-mail from him re-iterating his position and bleating like a sheep about Israel's "rights". Here is the e-mail...

January 26, 2009

Ms. Anjanette Bailey

Dear Mrs. Bailey:

Thank you for contacting me about the recent conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip. I appreciate your taking the time to write me about this important issue.

Before I joined Congress, I had the privilege of visiting Israel, and it was a trip that I will never forget. As an ally, I believe that the United States must support Israel's right to self-defense. Toward that end, I cosponsored and voted for H. Res. 34, a resolution recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza. The resolution passed the House on January 9, 2009 by a vote of 390-5.

I join those who pray for a permanent peace, but clearly there can be no peace while Hamas continues to launch unprovoked rocket attacks into Israel. Since 2005, Hamas has launched more than 6,300 rocket and mortar attacks into Israel.

We would not stand still if Hamas, or any other entity, launched rockets into the United States. I do not know how we could expect Israel to allow its people to be threatened.

I am deeply saddened by the casualties the recent conflict has inflicted, especially the civilian casualties. Each one of these is a tragedy, and I believe both sides have a responsibility to do everything possible to avoid them.

I am encouraged, however, that both sides have now declared a cease-fire. While more will need to be done to establish a longer lasting peace, I believe this is an important step forward.

Please be assured that I will continue to monitor events, and keep your views in mind as I do.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on this issue. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

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Harry E. Mitchell
Member of Congress


Gag me. And I voted for this idiot. Just makes me feel as though no matter how much we research and vet a candidate, they're still slimy bastards.

-The Dork

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